The one area of the high school curriculum I thought was a little weak was junior year Algebra 2. I have added the now complete Education Portal College Algebra course to ensure this subject is well covered. (I updated the course catalog and curriculum guide to reflect this.)
Side bar: Did you know there really is no such thing as "Algebra 2"? Algebra is algebra, just as geometry is geometry and calculus is calculus. Several decades ago, the public school system decided that all students needed more math classes. At the time, most students took a year of algebra and a year of geometry, then some students would go on to take a more advanced class like trigonometry. The obvious solution - requiring that all students do at least three math courses, such as algebra, geometry, and precalculus - was discarded in favor of the newly created "Algebra 2." So, students started taking what are now the standard Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 courses in that order. (This is why geometry is sandwiched unnecessarily between the two algebras; they simply tacked the new course on after the others.)
In other words? Students weren't actually doing more math; we just all agreed to pretend they were by taking one year of algebra and stretching it out into two. *face palm*
Side bar: Did you know there really is no such thing as "Algebra 2"? Algebra is algebra, just as geometry is geometry and calculus is calculus. Several decades ago, the public school system decided that all students needed more math classes. At the time, most students took a year of algebra and a year of geometry, then some students would go on to take a more advanced class like trigonometry. The obvious solution - requiring that all students do at least three math courses, such as algebra, geometry, and precalculus - was discarded in favor of the newly created "Algebra 2." So, students started taking what are now the standard Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 courses in that order. (This is why geometry is sandwiched unnecessarily between the two algebras; they simply tacked the new course on after the others.)
In other words? Students weren't actually doing more math; we just all agreed to pretend they were by taking one year of algebra and stretching it out into two. *face palm*